No…it isn’t New Year’s Eve.

A lot has changed for me in 2011.

Because when you wear silly hats, life becomes better.

Personally I made some incredibly hard decisions that have completely re-routed the course of my life. It left me scared, questioning myself and, at times, wondering if I made the right decision. Looking back, I am glad I made the decisions I have made and am moving toward a path that is unexpected, but very exciting and rewarding.

I have also made some friends in places I never imagined I would. Special friends I wouldn’t have come across in my day-to-day life, but have impacted me in ways I never would have predicted. I think (and hope) these people know who they are and realize that even though I may not have been as communicative with them in the past few weeks, I consider them to be a part of my life and that (fortunately, or unfortunately…depends on who you ask) is a forever commitment on my end.

The biggest announcement (it’s big for me) is I have made the move to a different position in my professional life. After fours years of learning, tears, frustration, happiness and excitement at my current job I have decided that it is time to move on.

It hasn’t been an easy decision for me. It’s hard to say goodbye to a place you have become so familiar with. It is hard to stop the routine you have been doing for four years and move on to an unfamiliar (but super exciting) setting where you are once again “the new kid on the block.” But with all that being said, I know in my heart that this is the best move for me right now and sometimes it’s best to just part ways.

I leave my dear Arin, whom I have known for a shorter time than what it feels.  I don’t think I can express how highly I think of her. And though it is with guilt and sadness that I am leaving her so soon in our professional partnership, I am confident that she will rock it out with the tenacity (it’s a good word, Arin be proud people use it to describe you), creativity and drive that will turn heads. I am glad to call her a colleague and even happier to call her a friend.

So for those who follow me on the Twitter stream, that is my good (and exciting) news. For those who have listened to me, mentored me and held out a helping hand along my path I give my sincerest and most humble thanks. I am excited to start this new adventure. Kapow.









Well, hello dear audience. It has certainly been awhile. I promise these gaps in correspondence will be shorter moving forward. The E(A)rin’s have been busy changing the world of hardware and kicking butt in general.

Let’s be honest, sometimes life grabs you by the ear and takes you away from sitting down and writing out your thoughts. We’ve all been there and for that many apologies for no posts since August 1st.

Normally I try to stay away from serious subjects that involve the inner workings of my life, but this one is pretty important to me…especially on this day.

October 14th is my cousin Laura’s birthday. When I was little Laura was that glamorous older cousin that I couldn’t stop following around at family functions.

She was beautiful, smart, and funny. Laura always found a way for me, a very awkward and nerdy child with freakishly large glasses, to feel gorgeous. She introduced me to the Barenaked Ladies (before “One Week” came to the radio scene…they were actually pretty awesome and their songs had depth), taught me how to make necklaces out of hemp and heads from Bocaloca Beads (great bead store in Broad Ripple…rip) and was a constant sounding board during the peak of my awful middle school years.

We wrote letters. I decorated mine with stickers and doodles and she always wrote back faithfully (even when she was in the hospital) in her slanted and surprisingly boyish script.

Laura passed away about seven years ago after a long battle with anorexia and bulimia. Her death turned my world upside down during a time when I was struggling with my own body image issues. It’s hard losing someone to an often misunderstood and complicated disease like anorexia. On average, 1,000 women die from it yearly. It’s not a huge mass killer like other illnesses, however, it is one that can be prevented.

Beauty and weight is something we all struggle with. Why else would there be so many crash diets, so many diet pills, and so many procedures to make you have that ideal shape?

I’ll be honest I feel the pressure. I have my ugly days, my fat days and the days when I want to restrict myself from food. It’s not something I am proud of, but it is something that I deal with from time to time. We all do.

How do we, as a society, make women (and men) of all ages to feel beautiful? Is it through promoting healthy lifestyles and role models? Is it by stressing healthy activities and body weight? Is changing the Hollywood stereotype of beauty? Is it deeper than that?

Those answers I don’t know. But I do know that I miss Laura every day. I wish she was still here for me to talk to and receive the irreplaceable advice she was so good at giving. I wish she was able move forward in life’s amazing stages that we all take for granted. I struggle with the fact that she was just one year older than I am now when she passed. I can’t even imagine.

So today I challenge you, dear friends, to make someone’s day. Tell them they are beautiful and perfect the way they are, because God knows…it isn’t said nearly enough.

Peace out,



Listen. Love. Donate.

Today is about my friend, Ryan M. Brewer. The best friend my husband will ever have and the biggest pain in my ass there ever will be. One of the most talented songwriters I know. For those of you reading who don’t know Ryan, he describes himself as follows:

“my name is ryan. i play music quite well. i write catchy melodies upon which i float clever lyrics, and am rarely tolerable otherwise.”

Most would find this statement true. Ryan is the guy who will not hesitate to piss you off for the sake of comedy, argue for the sake of argument or tell you at your wedding (in which he is the best man) that he “guesses he has to love you now…you know because [you’re] marrying his best friend”. Ryan is the guy who doesn’t use capital letters and once fought a professor to the death over the principal that letter capitalization was mere preference. Ryan will never hesitate to eat your leftovers and leave your toilet seat up.

But, my friends, what you might not know is that Ryan is the most loyal friend my husband has ever had and he has a heart of gold (okay, maybe gold-plated brass…but he tries 😉 ). Some of you may be thinking at this point that this post is a bit strange. Why and how would I know so much about this fella? Well, he’s not only my husband’s best friend…he’s been my dear friend since I was 15 years old. You know, when we were wearing trucker hats, quoting Homestar Runner and Strongbad and having what we deemed as deep conversation in the field at church camp.

I could continue…but I don’t want to embarrass or taint Mr. Brewer’s reputation. So, I will get to the real point of this blog. Today, really isn’t about Ryan M. Brewer (sorry buddy!), but it is about the song he wrote for the victims of the Indianapolis State Fair. The song that he wrote in coordination with Alan Johnson at the Static Shack studios in the heart of Indy. The song that’s proceeds will be 100% donated to the victims and their families.

Today, dear readers, is the day I ask you to please have a listen, make a donation and create a little hope for these families. Below I have posted the song, its lyrics and direct buy/download button.

“we all prayed for rain and we all waited
but we weren’t ready the night it came.
the clouds they opened wide and
the rage of thunder filled the sky…
we stood hopeless with fearful eyes.

as you rode the clouds away.

we all prayed for faith and we all waited
but we just couldn’t make you stay.
the clouds they opened wide and
a flash of lightning filled the sky…
we stood watching with tearful eyes.

as you rode the clouds away…
as you rode the clouds away.

my heart, it skipped a beat.
desperation filled the streets,
but i watched strangers running back.
these heroes sprang to their feet,
helped the wounded up from their knees,
it was beauty and it was humanity…
but it was hard to go on breathing knowing

you rode the clouds away.
and you rode the clouds away…”

Thank you and as always…Until We Meet Again,



Music. I don’t know about you, but it’s definitely something I turn to. Whether it be to escape, grab inspiration or remember how to feel. That last one is big for me. And, in light of the recent Indiana State Fair tragedy, I can’t tell you how often I fall into my routine, my day in day out just to look in the mirror and see a robot. Music tends to bring me back to that place where I feel again.

Today, friends, I feel inspired to share the lyrics below as they have been creeping in and out of my subconscious for the past week and I just can’t shake ’em.

I know I’m not perfect, but I tend to try pretty damn hard to be sometimes. And if your like me, it can be exhausting. Well thank you, Utilities, for reminding me that all I want is to be something somebody can use.  What inspires you? How do you pull yourself back to reality?

Utilities by The Weakerthans

got this feeling that today doesn’t like me
oh, the air tastes like flowers and paint.
there’s a sink full of bottles and cutlery
and the car has got a list of complaints.
i just wish i were a toothbrush or a solder gun
make me something somebody can use.
we can wish on the pop of a lightbulb
or those photos lying yellowed and curled.
lose some boxes near abandoned electronics
in the corners of the basements of the world.
guess our wishes don’t do dishes or break repairs
make them something somebody can use.

got a face full of ominous weather
smirking smile of a high pressure ridge
got more faults than the state of california
and the heart is a badly built bridge
seems the most i have to offer
doesn’t offer much
make it something somebody can use.
make this
something somebody
can use.

That’s all from me today, folks. Be inspired. And remember:

Don’t stop dreaming

Remember to think

and Dare to create something beautiful this week!


And to all you unsung State Fair heroes, thank you for being something somebody could use. Thank you.


Until We Meet Again,




The Indiana State Fair. What does it mean to you? For me, it has always meant driving with my Mom and older sister to the fairgrounds to see if our 4-H projects got the coveted blue ribbon. It meant gorging on elephant ears and lemon shake-ups. It meant sticking my fingers between the poles of the animals cages to, hopefully, pat the nose of the prize-winning steer. It meant summer was about to end, school was about to start and days at the fair were my last “hoorah” to have fun, be a kid and try not to throw-up on the Scrambler (which I never was able to do…I always got sick.)

In light of the recent tragedy that happened at the Indiana State Fair, it breaks my heart to relive the awful moments of the rigging being swept away by that powerful gust of wind. I will never be able to watch that footage without a tug in my heart and a gasp in my mouth. I have been avoiding the local news coverage and the finger pointing to keep my mind clear and remember what happened is less about “the fault of another” and more about honoring those innocent lives that were lost at my dear state fair.

Tragedies happen. They are never pretty and they are often the notion that keep us awake at night and reminds us to hold our friends and family closer than ever before. However, what isn’t tragic and is amazingly beautiful about what happened Saturday is the amount of people, without a second thought, who came running to aid those trapped and in desperate need of a helping hand.

Is this the Hoosier way? Definitely. Is it something I am proud of? Absolutely. Am I surprised? Absolutely not.

Many out-of-state people scoff at the notion of Indiana. Born and raised in this state, I will always embrace my Indiana roots. I know what all four H’s of 4H are (if you don’t know…look it up). My family comes from a long line of farmers and I have spent many summers shucking corn and snapping beans. I know all the words to “Back Home Again in Indiana.” I went to Purdue and the IU rivalry runs deep in my heart. I miss the corn in July if it isn’t around me. I have experienced tornadoes in January and droughts in August. I love the excitement of May and have been to every Indianapolis 500 (except for a couple) since I was in elementary school. I know what “Hoosier Hospitality” means and I try to live up to that notion every day of my life.

Whether you were born in Indiana or are a brand new resident, whether you have been here for 50 years or a a few months, I think one thing is very obvious to the nation and to everyone that knows the pleasure of living in this great state/city… Hoosiers are about helping and holding up the community when tragedy strikes.

Let’s keep this in mind and remember to honor those that are no longer with us. Stop the finger pointing and keep their memories alive…it’s the Hoosier way.

Until next time,







Local cognition…ya dig?

And I always promised myself I'd never be the aunt that pinched cheeks. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

My niece, the divine Miss O, is six months old.

O is at that “o, how cute” age when everything is a first for her. Laughing, tasting bananas (loves) and peas (hates), swinging and grabbing glasses (mine in particular), getting her teeth and figuring out how to hold herself up on her own…it’s all a part of her day-to-day education in life and by golly, it is amazing.

The whole idea of learning is fascinating. Where, when and how do we learn to love certain things? In the same vein, where, when and how do we learn to hate certain things?

And though I am no Piaget, cognition seems to be such an insanely intricate process that involves nature, nurture, the right time, the right place, age and is (at times) purely circumstantial, that it feels like we can never “unlearn” what we have already learned in the beginning. Basically, bad habits die hard.


Over the weekend I attended’ Presents: Six4Six. Six4Six was a fantastic event held locally that included six local Indy bands all for six bucks (hello, the name says it all).

If you have been a loyal reader from the beginning, you know that Arin and I are deeply passionate about the local Indy music scene. I won’t go into too much detail about the music aspect of it (but I strongly suggest you check out the Six4Six line-up here…they are all flipping amazing), but what I will discuss is the awesome buzz of excitement that was in the air at Birdy’s.

Eyes On Fire rocking it out at Six4Six. Check them out:

From the folks at DoItIndy, Local Music Only, to our favorite boys from Holland, The Holland Account, there was a fantastic showing of local sponsors and bands supporting the local movement in Indy. So what does this have to do with cognition and me?

Local cognition

I will be the first to admit that when it’s convenient I shop the big box, big corporation retail outlets. Who doesn’t? However, I want to make a change in myself. I want to work on my “local cognition.” What I mean by local cognition is this; I want to learn about the great local businesses in Indianapolis.

I want to shove the food of the best local restaurants down my gullet. I want to wear the local jewelers’ pretty baubles and rock the latest duds from the best local clothing boutique. I want to clank glasses with my friends at the most happening local pubs and run my ass off at a local community center that knows my name.

Why? Because it is exciting. Because there is nothing better than supporting your local entrepreneur, musician, artist and event. Because at the end of the day, you are helping your neighbor and nothing is better than owning and being a part of something special. How would you stack up your local cognition?

Until next time!



PS-Have we met on Twitter? Follow me: @ErinCouch.

Business Buzzzzzz

By now you have realized that Erin and I like to be champions…of ourselves, our friends and the things we believe in. Today, I want to take a minute to champion you, my fellow social media marketers and friends. What do you think you could learn from the people in your network if you just asked? What exciting things should we be championing for each other? How can we help you? How can you help us? This is just a small reminder: Don’t forget to ask. Don’t forget to listen. And most of all, don’t forget to nurture the relationships you build.

Here at E=A(rin)² we are about to officially launch the Friday Business Buzz! Hope you are ready for this enhanced “follow friday” of sorts.

How it works

Every Friday we will release a post summing up the things we learn from our friends in the twitterverse that week. So be sure to tell us what you have going on! New employee? Let us know! New business? Tell us! Exciting client project you want to share? Hit us up! New job? You know what to do.

We are firm believers in the power of supporting each other through word of mouth (or type of finger in this case) so give us all you got!

Do we mean you?

Duh. Of course we do! Nothing is too big or too small for us. Whether  you want to get the word out about a fundraising benefit or tell the world about your new promotion- This is your chance!

When do we need your info?

We will take and scout info until 10 am Friday morning. After that all kick ass news will have to wait until the next week.

How do we want your info?

Message us! DM us! Email us! Whatever you prefer! All contact information is on our new contact page!


And now to kick things off this week…

Did you know?

Elizabeth Lenzi (@happyfish103) has started a new company, Marachino Events (@MaraschinoEvent). The company focuses on events for & involving local Indy businesses.

Drew Larison (@MrDrewLarison) is working with a new start-up in Indy that makes Mobile sites and apps. Drew tells me they are really focusing on mixing social with mobile for companies.


Have a great weekend everyone and remember we can’t wait to hear from you!


Get up and move already.

Motivation. Something I’ve been lacking lately as you could probably tell by the way Erin is slamming these blog posts out of the park while I, well I am just taking it all in. Well it’s time for me, dear readers, to be honest, transparent and get up and move already!

As some of you may know, I lost my job at the beginning of May. This is a very candid look at my journey the past few months. How do you deal with motivation ruts? How has your network supported you lately? How have you grown from an unemployment experience? Would love to hear your thoughts!

The beginning

  • My first reaction was fear and embarrassment. I was monetarily scared and socially embarrassed. My pride was shot. I had been secretly looking for other jobs, as my mother always told me “Arin, it’s easier to find a job when you already have one.” Unfortunately, the company was not able to hold out my position long enough for me to find my next adventure.
  • My next thought was “now what?” Do I try and start a business? Do I get a J-O-B to hold me over while I look for something? Do I freelance? It was exciting and scary at the same time. Luckily I had my upcoming wedding to keep me distracted.

Back to reality…oops there goes gravity 😉

  • After the honeymoon, it was back to my intimidating jobless reality. I had by this time at least resolved myself to the fact that I wanted a job. I wanted to work in marketing/PR in the Indianapolis market. I wanted to finally try my hand out in the career world outside New Castle.
  • I had several prospects and several interviews. Nothing. Frustration with myself started to set in. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t getting call backs. I was acing the interviews…or was I? Maybe they just found somebody better, more talented. My confidence was shaken and that wedding money could only hold us over for so long before adjustments would need to be made.

The breakdown

  • I immersed myself in housework, yard work, errands, cooking crazy dinners, making jokes…really anything that would take my mind off of the job search. Then I broke down. ME!?! JOBLESS!?! Cooking, cleaning, washing dishes- all that schooling and hard work for this!?!?! By this time I was just sad and angry. My poor new husband. I was getting a lot done around the house (and looking back it was a blessing in disguise right after the craziness of a wedding), but I was miserable.
  • I just wasn’t myself. Then, I decided in no uncertain terms…Screw This. I’m going to work on me, market me and do the best I can, knowing it would take patience, motivation and drive. And for those of you who don’t know me, patience is NOT my forte. I find my motivation in those things, people and places around me, meaning I had to get out. And I had to find my drive again, something I had never lost before.

The build up

  • I got a brilliant idea. I”ll start a blog. But, knowing myself, I would plan plan plan and have what I thought were kick ass ideas and never actually start the blog.
  • But by fate, chance or the heavens- I found a blogging buddy. I found some motivation to do this and in turn I rediscovered my drive. Now, let’s be clear, I still have to work to keep my motivation up and find that drive within myself to keep going…but it more than helps to have someone on your side, pushing you and keeping ideas afloat.

The turn around

  • The blog took off (much to my surprise)! We have had great response and a great social support system. It’s been a fun ride and great way to get my communications fill while job searching.
  • About a week and a half ago I got a phone call from the Henry County Hospital. I have a business friend/colleague from when I worked at the Chamber of Commerce who is the Marketing and PR director of the hospital. She called to offer me a contract marketing job. It is on a per project basis and the hours/money are better than anything I have ever been offered. Wow. That contact actually paid off!
  • I am also onto a second round interview for a marketing/pr job in Indy. I feel confident, excited and ready to rock! And if I don’t get it, I always have that contract job supplementing my husbands income and keeping me out of trouble. 🙂

And now…

I’m ready to get up and move already with these things I’ve got cookin’! I think all to easily we can give up, get frustrated or just lose motivation.  I want to be the first to say…you don’t have to make the mistakes I did. Just look around you, nurture your relationships. Ask for help. Be vulnerable. Be open. Be honest with yourself. Keep going.

Your future self will thank you for it.

“Don’t wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” – Mark Victor Hansen

Until we meet again,


Big guitars and bigger hearts…

Alabama Tornado Relief Show....

We saw it on the news, heard about it on the radio, talked about it with our friends. The greater portion of the Midwest and South had one hell of an introduction to spring from the maddest mothers around, Mother Nature.

Spanning from Texas and Missouri to Indiana and Georgia, communities across the country saw one of the most active and destructive Tornado seasons in history. Towns were wiped off the map; communities, families, houses and cities were completely destroyed and one of the hardest hit areas was Alabama. With a final death toll being close to 200 and estimated damages reaching $2 billion, many areas of Alabama are in need of active relief.

Hoosier hospitality

I have always been amazed by the sheer generosity and genuine care folks in Indiana have for those in need. It always seems we are ready, willing and able to give a helping hand when it is needed. The following is one of my favorite examples.

This Friday, (July 8th ) Lazy Hawk Promotions is putting together a fantastic benefit concert to help raise money for those affected by the Alabama tornado outbreak. With a goal to raise over $1,000 dollars for the cause, Lazy Hawk Promotions has teamed up with local businesses, radio stations and artists to help out those in need. For more details on the benefit, check this link out.

More than a kick ass band

Indianapolis band, The Holland Account ( is one of five bands (find out who else is playing here) who are prepped and ready to melt the faces off the greater Indy area. And it is all in the name of doing great things.

The Holland Account...\m/

Why they are the “Rocky Balboas” of the Indy scene

The Holland Account has more benefit concerts on their show listings than any other local band I have seen.

Last week they did a benefit for St. Jude Children’s Hospital, in a few weeks they will be playing a benefit for Papacal at Visions and, of course, this Friday they are playing the Alabama Tornado Relief Show.

At the end of the day, the gentlemen of The Holland Account are about being fighters. “If there is a cause that needs a fighter, we try to add a soundtrack,” says vocal lyricist and powerhouse Nick Ramey of The Holland Account.

Parting words

What impresses me the most about the guys of The Holland Account is the immense amount of humble gratitude they show toward their fans and their
community. Not only are they fantastic guys to chill with, but they have big hearts to go with their rockin’ music and badass attitudes.

When asked to say something to the readers of this blog, here is what they had to say:

“We appreciate the continued support from our fans, friends, and family. This is going to be a great show for people that really need the help. Come out and prove that Indy has a big heart! We will continue to fight for those in need, not only outside, but also in our own communities.

And thanks to you and your blog for helping spread the word, not only about this show, but also for helping expose our sound to the masses. You might not think you are huge, but you are so huge to us and we appreciate you!”

Alabama Tornado Benefit Event Details:
Friday, July 8, 2011
7:00pm – $5.00 Cover Charge – 21+

Vollrath Tavern
118 E Palmer St
Indianapolis, IN 46225

We love it. So get out there and show your support, Indy. Hope to see you there!


Ducks fly together…

Let's hear it..."it's the eye of the tiger..."

This may one of my briefer posts on here, but I think it’s worthy one. Arin and I have been discussing the next few topics we’d like to cover on this fantastic amalgamation of thoughts we like to call our blog. Stemming from Arin came this idea that can be only described in one word…champion. Confused by the ambiguity? Let me explain…

What is a champion?

I don’t know about you, but the first thing that comes to my mind when I hear the word “champion” is a major pop-culture reference. He’s the perfect depiction of the underdog, the ultimate fighter. Ladies and gents, the champion I think of is….Mr. Rocky “The Italian Stallion” Balboa. Nothing screams champion like that single fist pumped into the air. You know I am right.

"And when the roosters are crowing and the cows are doing circles in the pasture!"

The second thing that comes to mind is the almighty Mighty Ducks (ducks fly together…quack…quack…quack). Talk about another example of overcoming the odds (Mighty Ducks 2, anyone?). And though we are not Gordon Bombay, Arin and I like to think of ourselves as champions, but perhaps in a different way.

You + Us =Champion…We love what you do.

As marketing and PR professionals, Arin and I love to spread, amplify and (ultimately) get that amazing thing called “word of mouth” started on those things we love and are passionate about. Supporting the local Indy community, local music, businesses, benefits and charities are one of those “things” we want to be champions of. Put plainly, we love what you do, Indy. So help us, help you.

Doing a benefit concert? Putting together a fundraiser? Walking to help find a cure for cancer? Starting a new business? Let us know! Give us your story behind what you are doing and let us be your champion.

What do you say, my dear readers? Ducks fly together.

Until next time,
